
Grammaire collaborative: la temporalité et émergence des combinaisons de propositions dans la parole-en-interaction en Italien Collaborative grammar: the temporality and emergence of clause combination in Italian talk-in-interaction

Auteur Virginia CALABRIA
Directeur /trice Prof. Simona Pekarek Doehler (UNINE) ; Prof. Elwys De Stefani (KUL)
Co-directeur(s) /trice(s)
Résumé de la thèse

The aim of my thesis "Collaborative grammar: the temporality and emergence of clause combination in Italian talk-in interaction" is to explore how practices of clause combining relate to the sequential and temporal organization of turns and actions in talk-in-interaction. Drawing on Conversation Analysis (Sacks, Schegloff & Jefferson, 1974) and Interactional Linguistics (Couper-Kuhlen & Selting 2018), I investigate speakers’ online analysis of turns-in-progress, hence examining clause combining as an emerging, intersubjective achievement. Zooming in both on the syntactic resources that participants use and on co-occurring embodied practices, I focus on two phenomena in language-in-interaction: self- and other-increments, whereby a speaker extends their or the interlocutor's turn, in grammatical dependent ways, re-occasioning a transition relevance place (TRP); and collaborative turns (Lerner 1987; 1991; 1996), whereby an interactant (re)completes a speaker’s turn-in-progress. My corpus is composed of 12 hours of video data, recorded in different settings (informal dinners, business meetings) of naturally occurring conversations in present-day Italian. It is being transcribed following Gail Jefferson’s (2004) conventions for talk and Mondada (2018) for embodied conduct. The interactions are multiperson, which allows me to problematize how speakers orient to their recipient (Sacks 1971) and to turn-management practices, using a variety of verbal and non-verbal resources (e.g. gaze).

Statut au milieu
Délai administratif de soutenance de thèse 2022
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