Information détaillée concernant le cours
Titre | Multimodal interaction analysis |
Dates | 30 septembre-2 octobre 2018 |
Responsable de l'activité | Marcel Burger |
Organisateur(s)/trice(s) | Simona Pekarek Doehler, Prof, FLSH, UniNE Marcel Burger, Prof, CLSL, UniL
Intervenant-e-s | Rodney Jones, English Language & Applied linguistics, University of Reading, U.K. |
Description | Social interaction is a multimodal achievement. To consider this matter, linguists and discourse analysts have for long taken into account para-linguistics features when analyzing speech (i.e. prosody: pitch, loudness, tempo, rhythm), and static non-verbal features (typography, layout & design) when analyzing text. More recently, in the domain of interaction analysis, increasing attention is paid to the dynamic multimodal resources (gesture, posture, gaze, etc.) participants use to sequentially organize and coordinate their social interactions. Yet, up to now, only limited attention has been paid to the interplay of multimodal resources and the precise multimodal affordances provided by specific settings. This is what the present seminar is about: we set out to analyze how multi-modal resources combine to provide for highly complex and interactionally negotiated construction of meaning in a variety of institutional and ordinary settings, ranging from the classroom, through doctor-patient and mother-infant interaction, to new media and social media communication (professional media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instragram etc.). In this seminar, we explore how sequences of actions are multimodally designed and accomplished. How is a sequence organized through the conjunction of various modes? What do multimodal resources accomplish in the precise settings under scrutiny? How are these resources interrelated? For what purposes are they put to work, and how are they oriented to by co-participants? We analyze different design formats of multimodal events involving linguistic, paralinguistic, non linguistic and embodied resources; at the same time, we interrogate the theoretical and methodological implications of multimodal analysis. Theses issues will be addressed across a range of empirical institutional and informal settings. Special attention will be paid to social interactions mediated by technologies, and in particular new technologies. We discuss in how far the multimodal affordances of these technologies, for instance of new media & social media, call for a reconsideration of classical issues in the domain of multimodal conversation analysis (CA) and discourse analysis (DA): sequentiality, textuality, entextualization etc. The seminar comprises 4 plenary lectures by renowned researchers in the filed of multimodal CA and DA, a range of workshop sessions presented by doctoral students, and a final roundtable. The invited speakers discuss the multimodal affordances of a variety of digital platforms as well as multimodal resources participants put to use across a variety of settings and languages. Therefore, the seminar provides a combined focus on multimodality as affordance and multimodality as resource. Students present their work in two types of work-in-progress sessions: analysis sessions, in which preliminary results are discussed; data sessions, in which empirical data is submitted to close scrutiny. A final round-table is designed to critically assess the conceptual and methodological implications that ensue from the work presented during the seminar. The seminar will be of interest to any student and researcher concerned with the analysis of social interaction and interested in the fine-grained multimodal resources participants put to use to accomplish their actions and to coordinate their social encounter. |
Lieu |
Hôtel le Grand Chalet (Leysin) |
Information | Les doctorant(e)s devront s'acquitter au moment de l'inscription d'une somme forfaitaire de CHF 50.-. |
Places | 20 |
Délai d'inscription | 20.09.2018 |